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Simplify and automate your business operations with customized systems and strategies designed specifically for your business

Don't let chaos and inefficiencies hold you back from achieving your business goals. Transform your business into a stress-free, streamlined machine with Streamline Mastery.

This service is for you if:

You have tried different systems and tools but they just don't seem to work for you

You're a coach, agency owner or creative feeling overwhelmed and bogged down by administrative tasks, and you want to free up your time to focus on the parts of your business you enjoy the most.

You want to structure your business so that it's working for you, not the other way around.

How does it work?

 Get familiar with our SPARK Method ! 


Strategy Session

  • Assessment of your business systems and processes

  • Identifying pain points and areas of improvement

  • Establishing business goals and objectives

Planning & Report

  • An in-depth report outlining the findings of your assessment identifying key areas and processes that need improvement

  • Developing customized solutions and process recommendations


  • Implementation of recommended solutions and processes

  • Training and support for new systems and processes

  • Integration of new solutions with existing tools and systems


  • Active involvement and feedback from you during the implementation

  • Tailoring solutions to fit your specific needs even more effectively

Keep It Up

  • Ongoing support and maintenance of implemented systems and processes

  • Continual improvement and optimization of systems and processes

  • Ensuring your business systems are working for you, not the other way around.

What's Included:


Streamline Mastery Assessment

A comprehensive assessment of your business systems and processes to identify areas for improvement.


Implementation of Solutions

We'll work together to implement the plan and customize solutions to fit your specific needs.

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Customized Plan of Action

A detailed report outlining the solutions and priorities to streamline your business and boost efficiency.

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Ongoing Support & Maintenance

Continued support to keep your business streamlined and organized for long-term success.

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Learn how my client has taken 2 weeks off to relax in the Maldives with peace of mind that her business is making money and running like
a well-oiled machine!!


  • In-depth business assessment

  • Report with customized recommendations and solutions

  • Implementation of one essential system

  • Two weeks of email support*

Timeline: 2-4 weeks


999 USD 


  • Everything included in the Essentials package, plus:

  • Implementation of two more systems

  • One month of email support**

Timeline: 4-6 weeks


1,999 USD 


  • Everything included in the Accelerate package, plus:

  • Whole business transformation, including all approved solutions

  • Three months of email support

  • Three 30-minute monthly check-ins

Timeline: depends on the scope


custom pricing

Pricing & Packages

*Email support will be available for a specified timeline starting from the day when your system/s have been fully implemented.

**We believe in providing ongoing support to our clients even after the implementation phase. That's why we offer different packages to suit your specific needs, with support time already included in the price. We genuinely care about your success, and if you need more support beyond the allocated time, we're always here to help. We offer consultation calls, monthly check-ins, and extended email support to ensure that you have all the help you need to keep your business running smoothly.

Example Solutions

Streamlined & Automated Client Intake Process

  • Customized email templates that can be automatically sent to clients at various stages of the onboarding process.

  • Step-by-step checklists outlining all the necessary actions to be taken during the onboarding process, ensuring nothing is missed.

  • Integration with your scheduling system to book initial consultation sessions and follow-up calls.

  • Centralized client information and document storage system, making it easy to track progress and ensure all necessary information is collected.

  • Automated follow-up emails and surveys to gather feedback and testimonials from clients and improve your offers.

Ready to streamline your business and take it to the next level?

Let's Get your Streamline Mastery started!

Fill out the form below with your details and we'll get back to you within 48 hours.

Thanks for submitting! We will get back to you soon!


Nini Fritz

Founder at The Work

Happiness Project

"Working with Aleksandra was the fuel I needed to elevate my purpose-driven business to the next level!"

What felt like "a house being built on sand" before quickly shifted into a "house built on a solid foundation" thanks to having the right systems in place.


Together with a 90-days roadmap to know exactly what I need to do next, it was a no-brainer to shift my energy and focus on where it was needed the most instead of wasting it with having too many tabs open and not getting anything done.


It was the first time I decided to invest in myself on a larger scale and I am SO glad I did! Truly cannot recommend working with her enough!

  • How do I know if I am ready to hire an Online Business Manager?
    If you have hit 6-figures in revenue, have a clear vision for your next level of growth but are spending all of the time in day-to-day activities, managing your team and putting out fires, you are ready for the OBM retainer. If you are not there yet or you need just one-time support, we work with startups and business owners on a project basis, helping with strategic 90-day planning, consulting or one-off projects like launches, CRM setup and streamlining specific processes. You can check out the article "5 Signs That You Need to Hire an Online Business Manager" and I am happy to jump on a 30-minute discovery call to get to know you and your business and assess if and how I could support you. You can book a call here.
  • What does an Online Business Manager do?
    An OBM is your right-hand man/woman who takes care of your business when you are focusing on growing it. We come into your business (like Marie Kondo to your house) and do a deep-dive audit of your operations, team, systems and structure. Then we set up a strategy and plan for the next 90-days, including priorities and manageable action steps. We oversee project and team management, streamline and document your processes, take unnecessary tasks from your shoulders and track the metrics to know what works and what is not. We make your business run like a well-oiled machine. Thanks to more time and peace of mind, you can focus on sales-bringing activities and expanding your business. We like to call myself a Results Creators and we love seeing my clients thrive when they have the support needed. :)
  • How will an OBM help my business?
    The OBM will take care of your business while you are doing more sales and growth activities. They will also be your business partner to bounce ideas with and plan strategically. The main objectives I help my clients achieve are increasing their revenue and reach, growing their team, saving time, and streamlining and documenting the processes so that a business runs like a well-oiled machine.
  • How much do I need to invest to work with an OBM?
    It depends on your business stage and the level of support you need. OBM retainers range from $1800 to $4000 per month. In the beginning, we work with you on a 90-day "dating" period where we get to know each other and we can dive fully into your business. After that, we sign a 6-month or 12-month agreement. Regarding project-based work like launches or systems setup, we will prepare a customized proposal for you. It can be a flat or an hourly fee, depending on the type of project.
  • How do I pay you?
    All our services are in USD. We accept international bank transfers (IBAN) for USD transactions. We also use Stripe, so you will be able to pay by debit/credit card.
  • What are your business hours?
    I'm based in Warsaw, Poland (CET timezone), and my usual working hours are 9-5 PM CET. However, I have a team in different time zones to ensure we can accommodate your working hours. Whether you are on the US East Coast, West Coast, or anywhere else, we make it work for you. I have been successfully working with clients from various time zones for 4+ years, making myself available in the evenings for synchronous parts of my responsibilities (like meetings, brainstorming sessions, or launches), and that has worked well for everyone. Our approach is that you can do the asynchronous work whenever you want, but you need to meet the deadlines.
  • Do you work with international clients?
    Yes, I do! I've worked with clients and remote businesses spread across the world - the UK, the US, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Argentina, and India.
  • Will I be working with you or do you have a team behind you?
    The level of my direct involvement depends on my availability for monthly OBM support, but usually, this service is provided by my team. I work with an amazing team of OBMs and virtual assistants, who provide virtual support if needed. Additionally, I have a team of professionals including a copywriting master, social media strategist, and brand specialist who work with me on a project basis. So, if you have any tasks you would like to outsource, I can either help you hire in-house support or you can work with my wonderful team.
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